California Department of Fish and Wildlife

About California Department of Fish and Wildlife

The Mission of the Department of Fish and Wildlife is to manage California's diverse fish, wildlife, and plant resources, and the habitats upon which they depend, for their ecological values and for their use and enjoyment by the public.

California is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. As such, The Department of Fish and Wildlife values diverse employees working together to protect nature for all Californians. CDFW is committed to fostering an inclusive work environment where all backgrounds, cultures and personal experiences can thrive and connect others to our critical mission.

Join us and begin a meaningful new career!


Scientific aid

March 2018 Eureka, CA
“Working outdoors, traveling and learning about California fisheries.”

Scientific Aid

March 2019 Santa Rosa, CA
“This job is ongoing/year-round. I love being able to do field work and learn to identify and work with local marine species (fish, sharks, skates, rays, eels, crabs). I definitely did not think fish were as cool until I got this job. The spines, teeth, colors and life history strategies make them continuously fascinating. I travel all over the Bay Area to work at different types of job sites on piers, jetties, launch ramps and boats. I get to see a lot of other cool wildlife while on the job. My bosses are great and supportive. The scheduling is very flexible.”
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