Operations Research Analyst, 675057500
- Design, develop, and adapt mathematical, statistical, econometric and other scientific methods and techniques to analyze problems of management.
- Perform quantitative and qualitative analysis of supply chain processes and operations. Analysis may be initiated due to need of Cross Process Business Process Analyst to assimilate the findings of research for the resolution of supply chain issues.
- Coordinate projects and studies involving Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), supply chain processes, and agency policies and provides direction necessary to assure mission accomplishment.
- Assist higher-level managers in program analysis and implementation.
- Utilize expertise related to programming, mathematical modeling, economic analysis, statistics, simulation, optimization, and probability theory to study Supply Chain processes and provide decisional support.
- Perform quantitative analysis of transaction data designs, develops, and adapts mathematical, statistical, econometric and other scientific methods and techniques to analyze management problems.
- Provide advice and insight about the probable effects of alternatives solutions to supply chain problems.
- Apply scientific techniques, with emphasis on mathematical disciplines, to improve operations of the supply chain and DLA logistical systems as a whole.
- Review studies performed by site or headquarters personnel and/or outside contractors for technical accuracy or applicability.