Relativity Space

Test Engineering Intern - Build and Operations

January - July 2023 • Kiln, MS

What I liked

Hands-on work with an extremely talented team of engineers. Interns have extreme ownership over engineering tasks. Coordinated with technicians, contractors, and other engineers to build out Relativity’s R1 test complex. Owned run tanks on R1A test stand- from initial conception all the way to final product installation. Great company culture - was looking forward to go to work every day. Established strong professional relationships with key individuals in the aerospace industry. Mentors and managers were fantastic leaders, and helped interns solve problems if things went wrong.

What I wish was different


Be more familiar with engineering first principles. Dig into details before asking questions. When asking questions, make concise bulleted lists. Think ahead before proceeding with installation of hardware - things will break, and often do. Be ready for things to fail, think on your feet to come up with solutions. Be able to solve complex engineering problems extremely quickly out on the field.
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Materials Engineering Intern

June - August 2022 • Long Beach, CA

What I liked

Great company culture, incredible career opportunities both within and outside my job description, and exciting commitment to innovation. I actually looked forward to coming back in to work on Mondays!

What I wish was different

A bit of a slow start to my internship because of scheduling, but otherwise a fantastic experience.


Interning at Relativity Space will give you so many opportunities while you’re there. Think in advance about which opportunities for learning, forming professional connections, training, or exploring you would like to pursue and work with your mentors to make it happen.
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